Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This Is Your Club

We've finally come to an agreement about how to share ownership of our club with you, our supporters. The premise that has underlined this resurgence of Cedar Park Hounds is that we want to be a club of the people that represents the community we come from. To do that we need your voices to be heard, and this is how.

Anyone can be a member of the club for $200 a year. This fee is completely separate from all ticket sales, though club members will get discounts on season tickets. There won't be different levels of membership. No business membership, no first class membership, no platinum membership. What you get for your money is a real voice in all club matters. Every offseason there will be a general club meeting where the primary order of business will be to elect (or re-elect) members to the following positions:

Head coach (currently held by Randy Alfaro)
General manager (currently held by yours truly, Ross Houston)
Head of marketing and sales (currently vacant)
Youth head coach (currently held by Jorge Leavitt)

Assistant coaches, psychologists, spokespersons, economists, physiotherapists, and doctors will be hired by the head coach and the general manager as necessary.

The second duty of the members at the general club meeting is to propose, vote on, and pass club general policies. These are guidelines that elected club officials and all other club employees are expected to follow on daily basis.

To vote on any of these matters members must either be present at the meeting or have previously submitted an absentee ballot.

Twice during the season there will club meetings at which policies can be debated and voted on, but the elected positions will not be up for election. These meetings will coincide with match days 5 & 10 in the league season.

To be elected to any elected position you must be a club member in good standing for at least one season. "In good standing" is defined to mean that you've voted at every club meeting during the last season. While the club itself is not yet one season old we will consider all founding members.

So that's it. The majority of the definition of what this club is and what it means to be a member we are leaving up to you. Our first meeting will be August 25 immediately following the home game with Tansen. Anybody who becomes a member on or before that day will be considered a founding member and thus will be eligible for elected office at the end of season meeting. The agenda for our first meeting will be to pass a set of initial club policies that we club officials will be bound to follow.

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